Visual Storytelling Attempt 1

So recently I have been learning about how visual storytelling has become a crucial aspect of media, and decided to try it myself! My experiment is a story based off of 10 pictures I took starring my sister (Sarah) and the daily life of the teenager.

 I decided to attempt to portray how important social networking has become in society today. As the story can tell you: everything that Sarah does, she documents. When she makes lunch, she “Instagrams” the food she made. When she is watching Television shows, she proceeds to mention it on FaceBook. When studying, she “Tumblrs” about the difficulty of doing homework. Even when she is going to sleep, she “Tweets” Goodnight to her followers.

I guess I chose this topic because lately, this is the average amount of privacy that the teenager chooses to have. Every single thing Sarah does, she tweets/instagrams/facebooks about it because using social media is almost an essential part of society today. I once asked my sister why she documented everything, and her response was rather intriguing:

“Why wouldn’t I document everything about my life?”

Looks like Big Brother has some competition now: Little Brother (friends, family, society). The new Brother to fear in this generation.

–Samia Nasir (:

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